SD: Yuppie

To create a home-like environment for hobbyists. Where the public can temporarily interact with the residents, and the residents can make in their spare time. An urban community of scales: beginning within the living space, to the unit space, to the interstitial floor spaces between the units, then the larger community gathering designated floor, and lastly the maker spaces. This is a place where the community is comfortable coming home and interacting with other people, a new way of living for the maker, or rather the hobbyist.

finalfloorplans [Converted]-01floorplans [Converted]-02floorplans [Converted]-03floorplans [Converted]-04final2final3Critics were mostly excited about the opportunities of dynamic spaces in between my living units. I was told to make the opportunities and not accidents, because I had both in my floor layouts. The common thread throughout my critics were that although it was okay to have a more standardized unit form, it was my responsibility to have them be less uniform within. In addition, changing the room layouts in a way to get rid of the long corridor; it was adding an unnecessary wall contradicting the community scales from room to apartment. I plan on changing my overall unit layouts, so that more dynamic community spaces are within. Also further emphasizing my different unit types, either through color or through their clusters.

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